Digitale Labore - Neue Projekte (UNIVERSITY:FUTURE FESTIVAL 2021)

The CrossLab, DistLab, MINT-VR-Labs and SHELLS projects have been funded by the Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching since August 2021. All four projects aim to digitize teaching in laboratories and pursue different approaches. During the talk, the four projects will briefly introduce themselves and give a first outlook on these approaches. As part of the talk, the HFD's “Remote Laboratories in Germany” Community Working Group will be officially renamed the “Digital Laboratories” Community Working Group so that the target group and thus the network can be expanded, in order to make better use of synergy effects and to encourage cooperation strengthen.
The University:Future Festival took place from 2 to 4 November 2021 under the motto "Open for Discussion" - organised by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) in partnership with the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (StIL). The University:Future Festival is the largest and most relevant event on higher education in the digital age in German-speaking countries. More info at