MINIS: A cooperative learning environment for the logistics transformation

MINIS (short for miniaturized production systems) is a learning environment for students provided by several logistic chairs. The learning environment serves as a common knowledge base and incubator for designing innovative learning concepts in the fields of logistics.
MINIS aims at illustrating the dynamics of supply chains as a composition of subsystems to students in an understandable way. By doing this, a physical body of a supply chain for a dumbbell production has been created. Data collected from the physical component are used to create a virtual replication of the supply chain. In the course of this, MINIS provides the possibility to mediate the simulation skills required for the simulation of material flows.
To provide students in times of volatile personal proximity to lecturers a continuous availability and access to the learning environment, MINIS is designed as a remote lab. Students and lecturers are provided with a spatial unbound concept of connection to the lab, from where subsequent material flow analysis can be made.

TU Dortmund
Lehrstuhl für Unternehmenslogistik
Lehrstuhl für industrielles Informationsmanagement
Institut für Transportlogistik
name: Nick Große
name: Stephanie Winkelmann
name: Lasse Juergeleit