Augmented Reality Application for the Mobile Measurement of Strain Distributions
The planned augmented reality app for smartphones and tablets will enable students to measure the two-dimensional strain distribution on flat specimens during the test without complex measuring equipment and software. For example, during a tensile test in which a metallic specimen made of a material relevant to forming technology is stretched in axial direction, the information from the strain field can help calibrate advanced material models. Typically, only the longitudinal strain is calculated, ignoring information about the material behavior in critical conditions. Such material models can accurately predict the behavior of metallic materials and are therefore increasingly used in computer simulations.
In addition to the app itself, instructions will be provided on how to prepare the sample for analysis by the app and how to adjust the experimental setup, if necessary, so that students can obtain results with small deviations from reference measurements using expensive and complex apparatus.
TU Dortmund
Institut für Umformtechnik und Leichtbau
name: Joshua Grodotzki