1 min read

A virtual mini-laboratory for direct fastening experiments in constructive engineering

A virtual mini-laboratory for direct fastening experiments in constructive engineering

The virtual mini-laboratory enables students to carry out experiments in direct fastening technology. Various parametric configurations of the direct fastening are simulated and carried out using FEM software. The simulations are implemented in a user-friendly interface in such a way that the students can vary the experiments parametrically and acquire the corresponding results or simulations.


TU Dortmund
Fakultät Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen
Juniorprofessur Befestigungstechnik

name: J.-Prof. Panagiotis Spyridis
mail: Panagiotis.Spyridis@tu-dortmund.de

name: Alhussain Yousef
mail: Alhussain.Yousef@tu-dortmund.de

funded by Logo Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschule